According to the TAMCO constitution, Atricle 7;
There shall be two categories of membership to TAMCO; namely – regular members and honorary members
7.1.1 Regular Members
There shall be regular members who shall include:
i. Any Muslim person aged eighteen or above, originally from Tanzania or East African countries and currently living in the states of Maryland, Virginia or the District of Columbia ,West Virginia and Delaware.
ii. Any other Muslim person as TAMCO may specifically exempt from the requirement of 7.1.1 (i) above
7.1.2 Honorary Members
i. Individual(s) or organization(s) as shall be nominated by the Executive Committee to be honorary member(s) based on criteria to be determined by the Executive Committee of TAMCO.
ii. Each member organization shall be represented by one person and have one vote at the General meeting.
iii. The individual honorary members shall not be entitled to vote on association matters
7.2 Members Eligibility
i. All members shall be of a Muslim faith who have attained the age of eighteen and originally from Tanzania or East African residing in or visiting the states of Maryland, Virginia and/or the District of Columbia , West Virginia and Delaware .
ii. All those persons of Muslim faith who have attained the age of eighteen not necessarily originating from Tanzania or East Africa but are desirous and express willingness to join the association and are either residing in or are visiting the states of Maryland, Virginia and/or the District of Columbia, West Virginia , Delaware and Philadelphia area .
iii. All family members and guests of members.
7.3 Rights of Members
i. Every member shall obtain fair, equal and appropriate treatment.
ii. Every member shall have the right to attend and participate in meetings individually or in representative capacities for group members.
iii. Every member shall be entitled to one vote for each subject matter in a discussion requiring to be voted for.
iv. Every member shall have the right to run for any one elective office (regular members only).
v. Every member shall have the right to access information and exchange the same with others.
7.4 Obligations of members
i. To uphold and respect the constitution of TAMCO and any other instruments deriving there from.
ii. To deliberate always on the development of TAMCO and promote its objectives.
iii. To pay willingly and voluntarily donations from time to time to cover running and events expenses when required or at any other times when a member feels fit to do so.
iv. To maintain harmonious relationship with others
v. To share information with others
vi. To practice voluntarism and willingness to take up roles and responsibilities.
7.5 Cessation of Membership
i. Just like it is free to join the association/community any member is free to walk away from the membership at any time.
ii. At any time the Executive Committee shall have the right to decide to discontinue any member’s membership as a result of breaching the rules contained in this constitution.
iii. When a member relocates without the jurisdiction of the states of Maryland, Virginia and the District of Columbia.
7.6 Consequences of Cessation of Membership.
i. There shall be no refunds whatsoever in the event of cessation of membership.
ii. The former member shall dispose of or transfer any TAMCO’s properties in his or her possession.
iii. Where a member is dissatisfied with her or his termination from TAMCO she/he may submit an appeal to a general meeting which may uphold or overturn the decision of the Executive Committee. The decision of the General meeting shall be final. Members of the Executive Committee may not conduct the deliberations over the appeal and shall not be allowed to vote on the matter in the General Meeting. However the Executive Committee shall be entitled to explain and defend their decision to to terminate the membership of the appellant. CLICK HERE TO PAY YOUR MEMBERSHIP :